Originally posted on RED in Simplified Chinese by River Yu. Translated by Claude 3.5 Sonnet for convenience.

Brain Plasticity: The Neuroscience Behind Change


Brain plasticity lasts throughout our lifetime!

但当大脑发育稳定后,如无意外,💃 当乙酰胆碱(Acetylcholine)从脑干和基底核释放,再加肾上腺素(Epinephrine/Adrenaline)的作用时,你的大脑才可能向你想要的方向变化(trigger neuroplasticity)。🕺

However, once brain development stabilizes, barring any accidents, your brain can only change in the direction you want (triggering neuroplasticity) when acetylcholine is released from the brain stem and basal ganglia, combined with the effects of epinephrine/adrenaline.


—And this magical neurotransmitter process that quietly changes your brain happens during moments of focus.

Understanding Focus

🙋‍♀️ 但是,这种专注并不一定是所谓"心流",也可以是你走神后,努力把注意力一次次拉回来的专注。那该怎样做呢?

However, this focus doesn't necessarily mean being in "flow state"—it can also be the focus of repeatedly pulling your attention back after getting distracted. So how do we do this?

Three Practical Techniques

1. Visual Guidance

😤 视觉引导

- 原理:🥲 能"专心地玩手机",但没法专心地读书 😫 因为手机屏幕的大小简直是视觉聚焦的完美大小!

- Principle: We can "focus intently on our phones" but struggle to focus on reading because phone screens are the perfect size for visual focus!

- 做法:学习时,请让自己的视线范围内没有打扰,只看着眼前的东西,比如现在读的这一行字。🧚‍♀️

- Method: When studying, ensure there are no distractions in your field of vision. Focus only on what's directly in front of you, like the line of text you're currently reading.

2. Be Timer-dependent

⏱️ 倒计时

- 原理:紧迫感能促进肾上腺素生成。

- Principle: A sense of urgency promotes adrenaline production.

- 做法:推荐设定40~90分钟的倒计时,前10分钟进入状态。中途当你感觉自己不太专注时,把自己的注意力拉回来(注意视觉引导),倒计时结束再开始休息。

- Method: Set a timer for 40-90 minutes, using the first 10 minutes to get into the zone. When you feel your focus slipping, bring your attention back (using visual guidance). Only rest after the timer ends.

3. Strategic Mind-Drifting

😌 学习之后的"走神"也很重要!

- 原理:专注后留有空白,能巩固专注时的记忆,使其更容易转化成长期记忆,进一步促进大脑改变。

- Principle: Leaving mental space after intense focus helps consolidate memories, making them easier to convert into long-term memories, further promoting brain changes.

- 做法:40-90分钟的深度工作之后,给自己10分钟趴在桌上小睡、发呆、出去走走的时间(mind-drifting),可别做刷手机这种消耗精力的认知活动,这样学习效果事半功倍哦!👏

- Method: After 40-90 minutes of deep work, give yourself 10 minutes to nap on your desk, daydream, or take a walk (mind-drifting). Avoid cognitively demanding activities like scrolling through your phone—this will make your learning twice as effective with half the effort!


最后,追求"可塑性"的人们,不过是想看见"变好"的希望和可能吧!——但只要从现在开始种一棵小树,改变就已经在发生啦 ✨

Finally, those pursuing "plasticity" are simply seeking hope and possibility for improvement! But just by planting a small tree now, change is already happening ✨