Originally posted on social media. The Chinese version follows the English post below.

1. Cultivating a Long-term Perspective

1.1 Embracing the Extended Timeline:
I once grappled with profound anxiety about my post-graduation prospects—whether it was the uncertainty of maintaining residency in the United States or securing a position at a prestigious tech corporation in China. However, through enlightening conversations with colleagues, I came to understand that these temporal fluctuations and present circumstances are merely wavelets in the ocean of our careers.
Perhaps today's employment landscape seems challenging—but isn't this analogous to a forest in winter? The fundamental potential remains intact, much like the dormant seeds beneath frozen soil, waiting for the right conditions to flourish.

1.2 Redirecting Comparative Energy Inward:
Rather than measuring yourself against the variable yardsticks of others' success, consider your personal trajectory and how it aligns with your aspirational horizon.

1.3 Honoring Incremental Progress:
Celebrate the subtle victories—perhaps it's maintaining better hydration or developing more disciplined study habits. These small transformations, when viewed collectively, reveal the emerging portrait of your growing capabilities. (Consider persistence itself as a skill worth cultivating.)

1.4 Reframing Setbacks as Milestones:
Consider this: persistent success in any domain might indicate you're navigating too close to familiar shores.
Develop what I call a "Chronicle of Challenges"—each entry represents a boundary crossed, a comfort zone expanded. Your stumbles are merely footprints on unexplored terrain.

2. Rediscovering Core Motivations

2.1 Essential Self-Inquiry:
"What constitutes a fulfilling existence in your vision?"
How does software development integrate into this tapestry? What alternative threads might weave similar patterns? How do various paths diverge and converge?

2.2 Examining Financial Motivations:
What deeper yearnings does financial success represent? Is prosperity synonymous with contentment? What threshold of financial security would truly satisfy your needs?

3. Live in Your Aspirations

3.1 Preserving Your Initial Spark:
While perhaps not the majority narrative, surely there exists a cohort who ventured into technology not for market demands, but from an intrinsic desire to decode the digital realm and craft within it, willingly leaving established paths behind.

3.2 Expanding Your Perspective:
If pure passion seems elusive, consider widening your lens. Let your curiosity wander through social media, diverse digital landscapes, and technical blogs until you encounter moments of genuine wonder—those instances where possibility sparkles.
Take programming as an example. For the visually inclined, there's a world of creative coding, compelling web portfolios, blockchain art, and data visualization that transcends mere functionality.
If cyberpunk aesthetics intrigue you, explore immersive technologies.
Gaming enthusiasts might find joy in development, trading aficionados could explore decentralized finance, and those drawn to collaborative innovation might find purpose in open-source ecosystems.
The key lies in finding tangible manifestations of your aspirations—seeing how others channel code into creation. (International resources often reveal a particularly unbridled enthusiasm for technical creativity.)

4. The Journey of Growth

4.1 "Learning is not all about fun. It's about the efforts":
If you find yourself persisting despite absence of passion, recognize that this resilience is perhaps your most valuable asset—it's a quiet form of excellence.
Balance the rigors of core learning with engaging side projects, but remember: that sensation of strain often signals genuine progress, like a muscle strengthening under load.

4.2 Acknowledging Agency:
Remember that paths are rarely singular—humans tend to anchor themselves in familiar waters, even when those waters are turbulent.
Consider your options with both analytical precision and creative openness.

I appreciate your patience in following this reflection to its conclusion. While my perspective might seem somewhat removed from immediate pressures, there's something inherently energizing about maintaining ideals.
In this vast tapestry of existence, where our time is finite, the transition to programming represents but one thread of many. May your journey be rich with meaning.

1. 將時間線拉長,長期主義 mindset

1.1 將時間線拉長,長期主義 mindset:

1.2 不要和別人比較,隻和過去的自己比較:

1.3 關注小小的進步,關心過程裡的努力:

1.4 像集郵一樣收集失敗、慶祝失敗:
建立自己的 Failure profile: 你邁出了這麼多舒適區!因爲走了很多路所以才會摔這麼多跤!

2. 找到自己的初心

2.1 多問自己:

2.2 如果是看中高薪:

3. Live in your aspiration

3.1 不要忘記自己轉碼的初心:
或許是少數,但我想肯定也有人是因爲想要理解技術的世界、想用代碼去創造,而選擇放棄之前的經驗而進入 tech 這個行業的。

3.2 打開視野:
或許熱愛是中二的説法,如果沒有這種熱情,打開視野 peripheral vision,多刷 X 看不同的網站博客,打火把找“哇這個好牛逼!我也想有天能做出這樣的作品”的瞬間。
鐘情視覺交互可以找找 creative coding、web 開髮者的 portfolio、NFT,數據可視化也可以很 fancy;感覺賽博朋克很酷可以看看 VR/AR;愛打遊戲就學學遊戲開髮教程;熱愛炒股虧錢也可以入倉 crypto;有開源去中心化的理想可以研究 Web3……

4. 學習與堅持

4.1 “Learning is not about fun. It’s about the efforts.”
做做喜歡的 side projects 保持熱情,但主線任務還是要打,累説明你在走上坡路。

4.2 我們總是有選擇的:
